Jessica O. Matthews, founder and CEO of Uncharted Power

Jessica O. Matthews, founder and CEO of Uncharted Power

Jessica O. Matthews's first invention was a soccer ball called Soccket that generates electricity for an attachable reading lamp. For an hour of soccer play, you get three hours of light. The invention not only has uses as a teaching tool, but it also has a practical use in countries such as Burundi, where only 4 percent of the population has access to the electrical grid. The company has already produced a second energy-generating toy, the Pulse jump rope, for countries, where girls don’t typically play soccer. The jump ropes are produced in-house, on 3D printers. "After 15 minutes of jumping rope, which is good for you, it will give you six hours of LED light or a 50 percent iPhone charge," she says.

Matthews is the founder and CEO of Uncharted Power (formerly Uncharted Play), a company that creates toys that generate electricity. She isn’t a scientist nor does she have a science background. She came up with the idea for Soccket in 2008, while an undergraduate at Harvard University.



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