The Brand
Loving yourself the way you are, the unique shade that is perfectly you! I am Perfect Brown is not just a statement it is a celebration of girls and women and their beautiful brown skin. Our focus is on creating apparel and products that not only look and feel good but also project positive messaging concerning black and brown skin. EVERY shade of Brown skin is the Perfect shade of Brown! Now you have a shirt that says so, love your skin! #iamperfectbrown
The Inspiration
Perfect Brown was inspired by a conversation I had with my daughter Malaya (age 7 at the time) concerning the shade of her skin. She had a class assignment where she was to create a self-portrait. While working on the project it was brought to her attention that there were different shades of black people and with her not really understanding the concept of skin shades she was confused and innocently asked me the question “what color brown am I?
I was taken back by the question and a little confused on what she was actually asking me. I had to take pause before I answered to figure out what and how much to say but then the answer came to me so I replied, “you are Perfect Brown, like me, like mommy and granny. Every brown person is perfect brown!
Our Mission
It's our mission to use the Perfect Brown brand to promote love for self while helping to counter colorism and the negative stereotypes that are often associated with having melanated skin. Black girls and women are often judged by the shade of their skin, many times without acknowledging their beauty that radiates from within. The truth is that EVERY BLACK girl and woman is beautiful, strong, brilliant and enough no matter her shade of brown!

What is Perfect Brown?
Perfect Brown is the answer to the question: What shade of brown am I? This is the question asked by my then 7 year old daughter Malaya concerning the shade of her skin. My response to her was "Every shade of melinated skin from the lightest to the darkest is uniquely beautiful and the Perfect shade of Brown, we are all Perfect Brown!" Now Perfect Brown is an apparel brand that promotes loving the skin you're in!
Why a T-shirt?
Malaya's innocent question along with my struggle as a father looking for the perfect shirt for a little girl and not finding shirts (the staple of many outfits) that I felt represented who I knew my daughter to be helped to inspire me to create the Perfect Brown T-shirt along with the brand. The lack of characters, themes and catchy phrases that spoke directly to girls of color just added to my frustration.
I could tell that most if not all the shirts I came across in my local stores weren’t created with my daughter and girls who look like her so I decided to create the Perfect Brown brand. We create apparel that not only speak to the beauty of melanated skin of girls and women but also celebrate their strength and diversity while in their unique shades of brown! Perfect Brown clothing and products are created with girls like my daughter in mind, love your Brown!
Who are Perfect Brown Tees made for?
- Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, grandmothers, cousins (real and or play), wives, girlfriends, and friends!
- For girls and women of color who want apparel inspired by and created for them!
- For those who want to celebrate their Perfect Brown skin!
- For those who know that their Brown skin is beautiful and are not afraid to show it!
- For those who may be discovering for the first time or just want a reminder of the importance of loving the skin you’re in!
- It's for every shade of Perfect Brown, lighter complexions, darker complexions and for all those that fall in between!
- It’s for everyone who may not have Brown skin themselves, but believe that Brown skin is beautiful!
- For parents who may need a special shirt for a young girl that can be used as a conversation starter about their Perfect Brown skin!
- For parents looking for age appropriate apparel that speaks to loving yourself!
- For mothers, fathers, grandparents and older siblings of children of color!
- For husbands, fathers, brothers and boyfriends who want to let the Perfect Brown women and/or girl in their life know that they love their beautiful skin!
- For friends, family and loved ones looking for a special gift to give for baby showers, birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s day or any other special occasions!
- For those who want everyone to know that they know that their skin is the Perfect Brown!
- If you answered yes to one or more of these questions above then a Perfect Brown Tee is for you!

Team I am Perfect Brown
Jason (Owner/Designer)
Before I was known as the artist guy and or Jason, but these days I'm mainly known as Mr. Austin or Malaya's Dad (which I am happy to be and proud to serve!) I'm a father and visual artist from the Bay area (check out some of my art at I love movies, music, collecting (almost anything) and being a dad! Fatherhood is not an easy job but as long as we do the best for our kids we are winning!
Malaya Leigh (Owner/ Inspiration/ The Future)
10 years old and the inspiration behind the Perfect Brown brand. Malaya is the perfect combination of silly and sweet. She loves to be happy and wants the same for everyone. She is brilliant, beautiful, caring and a kind soul. Malaya enjoys making slime, singing, dancing, doing arts & crafts, playing the saxophone, gymnastics and making friends. She's the best kid/ side kick a parent could ask for (I learn from her everyday!)