Tiffany Aliche runs two successful business, her speaking, teaching and writing business, The Budgetnista, and the Live Richer Academy, an online school about financial literacy. Considering her upbringing, it’s not surprising she makes a living talking about money. Financial education was just a way of life for Aliche growing up.
Born and raised in a small, rural village in Nigeria, her father worked as a financial professional. Each week, he would sit Aliche and her four sisters down for “money lessons.”
“He still shares awesome financial lessons with me,” she says.
Those childhood lessons were a life raft for Aliche when she found herself in unexpected financial straits. During the Recession in 2009, at the age of 29, Aliche lost her job as a preschool teacher. She hadn’t seen it coming. “Before that, I thought I had it all financially figured out,” Aliche says. On a tight teacher’s salary of $39,000 a year, she had managed to save $40,000 in two and half years, so at the age of 25, she was able to purchase her first home.
By the age of 31, Aliche was still jobless with a $200,000 mortgage, $50,000 in student loans and $35,000 in credit card debt. She was losing her home to foreclosure, had drained her retirement account and had moved back in with her parents.
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